Robotics has been widely applied in smart construction for generating the digital twin or for autonomous inspection of construction sites. For example, for thermal inspection during concrete curing, continual monitoring of the concrete temperature is required to ensure concrete strength and to avoid cracks. However, buildings are typically too large to be monitored by installing fixed thermal cameras, and post-processing is required to compute the accumulated heat of each measurement point. Thus, by using an autonomous monitoring system with the capability of long-term thermal mapping at a large construction site, both cost-effectiveness and a precise safety margin of the curing period estimation can be acquired. Therefore, this study proposes a low-cost thermal mapping system consisting of a 2D range scanner attached to a consumer-level inertial measurement unit and a thermal camera for automated heat monitoring in construction using mobile robots.
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Masked language modeling (MLM) has been widely used for pre-training effective bidirectional representations, but incurs substantial training costs. In this paper, we propose a novel concept-based curriculum masking (CCM) method to efficiently pre-train a language model. CCM has two key differences from existing curriculum learning approaches to effectively reflect the nature of MLM. First, we introduce a carefully-designed linguistic difficulty criterion that evaluates the MLM difficulty of each token. Second, we construct a curriculum that gradually masks words related to the previously masked words by retrieving a knowledge graph. Experimental results show that CCM significantly improves pre-training efficiency. Specifically, the model trained with CCM shows comparative performance with the original BERT on the General Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark at half of the training cost.
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By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at
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Most scanning LiDAR sensors generate a sequence of point clouds in real-time. While conventional 3D object detectors use a set of unordered LiDAR points acquired over a fixed time interval, recent studies have revealed that substantial performance improvement can be achieved by exploiting the spatio-temporal context present in a sequence of LiDAR point sets. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D object detection architecture, which can encode LiDAR point cloud sequences acquired by multiple successive scans. The encoding process of the point cloud sequence is performed on two different time scales. We first design a short-term motion-aware voxel encoding that captures the short-term temporal changes of point clouds driven by the motion of objects in each voxel. We also propose long-term motion-guided bird's eye view (BEV) feature enhancement that adaptively aligns and aggregates the BEV feature maps obtained by the short-term voxel encoding by utilizing the dynamic motion context inferred from the sequence of the feature maps. The experiments conducted on the public nuScenes benchmark demonstrate that the proposed 3D object detector offers significant improvements in performance compared to the baseline methods and that it sets a state-of-the-art performance for certain 3D object detection categories. Code is available at
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We propose a domain adaptation method, MoDA, which adapts a pretrained embodied agent to a new, noisy environment without ground-truth supervision. Map-based memory provides important contextual information for visual navigation, and exhibits unique spatial structure mainly composed of flat walls and rectangular obstacles. Our adaptation approach encourages the inherent regularities on the estimated maps to guide the agent to overcome the prevalent domain discrepancy in a novel environment. Specifically, we propose an efficient learning curriculum to handle the visual and dynamics corruptions in an online manner, self-supervised with pseudo clean maps generated by style transfer networks. Because the map-based representation provides spatial knowledge for the agent's policy, our formulation can deploy the pretrained policy networks from simulators in a new setting. We evaluate MoDA in various practical scenarios and show that our proposed method quickly enhances the agent's performance in downstream tasks including localization, mapping, exploration, and point-goal navigation.
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心血管疾病(CVD)是全球死亡的第一大原因。尽管有越来越多的证据表明心房颤动(AF)与各种CVD有着密切的关联,但这种心律不齐通常是使用心电图(ECG)诊断的,这是一种无风险,无侵入性和具有成本效益的工具。在任何威胁生命的疾病/疾病发展之前,不断和远程监视受试者的心电图信息迅速诊断和及时对AF进行预处理的潜力。最终,可以降低CVD相关的死亡率。在此手稿中,展示了体现可穿戴心电图设备,移动应用程序和后端服务器的个性化医疗系统的设计和实施。该系统不断监视用户的心电图信息,以提供个性化的健康警告/反馈。用户能够通过该系统与他们的配对健康顾问进行远程诊断,干预措施等。已经评估了实施的可穿戴ECG设备,并显示出极好的一致性(CVRMS = 5.5%),可接受的一致性(CVRMS = CVRMS = CVRMS = 12.1%),可忽略不计的RR间隙错误(<1.4%)。为了提高可穿戴设备的电池寿命,提出了使用ECG信号的准周期特征来实现压缩的有损压缩模式。与公认的架构相比,它在压缩效率和失真方面优于其他模式,并在MIT-BIH数据库中以ECG信号的某个PRD或RMSE达到了至少2倍的Cr。为了在拟议系统中实现自动化AF诊断/筛查,开发了基于重新系统的AF检测器。对于2017年Physionet CINC挑战的ECG记录,该AF探测器获得了平均测试F1 = 85.10%和最佳测试F1 = 87.31%,表现优于最先进。
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重要的理论工作已经确定,在特定的制度中,通过梯度下降训练的神经网络像内核方法一样行为。但是,在实践中,众所周知,神经网络非常优于其相关内核。在这项工作中,我们通过证明有一大批功能可以通过内核方法有效地学习,但是可以通过学习表示与相关的学习表示,可以轻松地学习这一差距。到目标任务。我们还证明了这些表示允许有效的转移学习,这在内核制度中是不可能的。具体而言,我们考虑学习多项式的问题,该问题仅取决于少数相关的方向,即$ f^\ star(x)= g(ux)$ withy $ u:\ r^d \ to \ r^r $ d \ gg r $。当$ f^\ star $的度数为$ p $时,众所周知,在内核制度中学习$ f^\ star $是必要的。我们的主要结果是,梯度下降学会了数据的表示,这仅取决于与$ f^\ star $相关的指示。这导致改进的样本复杂性为$ n \ asymp d^2 r + dr^p $。此外,在转移学习设置中,源和目标域中的数据分布共享相同的表示$ u $,但具有不同的多项式头部,我们表明,转移学习的流行启发式启发式启发式具有目标样本复杂性,独立于$ d $。
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